


Awards Committee

The Awards Selection Committee will include individuals who are familiar with EFNEP Educator's job but not associated programmatically with nominees under consideration.

Awards Descriptions and Details

Over the Mark Award


Individuals receiving the "Over the Mark" award are EFNEP Educators who meet 5% or more above their target outreach and meet or exceed program impact goals during the performance evaluation year. These individuals are the masters of outreach and partnership. They adjust their work schedules to meet participants where they are and when they can meet. They form solid partnerships with community organizations that result in EFNEP goals being met.


The EFNEP Coordinator will review WebNEERS data at the end of each program year to determine individuals who have met the following criteria (for additional guidance, please use the following link to access the "Over the Mark Guidelines"):

  • Exceed target outreach by 5% or more
    • Red Apple (5-24%)
    • Bronze Apple (25-49%)
    • Silver Apple (50-74%)
    • Gold Apple (75-99%)
    • Platinum Apple (100% or more)
  • Meet or exceed target impact
  • Overall performance rating meets or exceeds expectations


There is no limit on the number of individuals who can receive this award in any given year. Each eligible EFNEP Educator receives a personalized embroidered apron. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP. In subsequent years, EFNEP Educators will receive milestone pins for each year they are Over the Mark. Educators are eligible to receive a new apron once every five years of service.

New EFNEP Educator Award


This award is presented to EFNEP Educators who demonstrate the ability to meet and exceed the goals of the program within their first three years of employment. Recipients of the award exemplify excellence in programming and have strong skills in program development. They quickly develop their workload and market their program effectively.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Include within the first paragraph of the narrative the start date of employment with EFNEP. Within the narrative, provide evidence of innovation and creativity that results in successful:
    1. Program management (planning, teaching and evaluation)
    2. Volunteer development
    3. Reaching target audiences
    4. Working with pre-formed groups
    5. Working with cooperating agencies
  3. Verification of the following:
    1. Verification of no more than 3 years employment with EFNEP, as of March 31, of the year for nomination
    2. Verification by the County Extension Director that the EFNEP Educator has a Performance Rating above average performance
  4. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet.  The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee(s)’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual(s) is/are deserving of the award.
  5. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  6. Submit one electronic pdf copy of total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


The award consists of a framed certificate. One award is presented per year. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Team Award


The success of EFNEP depends upon collaborative team relationships. The team award celebrates teams, which exhibit a cooperative spirit, using innovative ideas and approaches to meet the needs of limited resource families in the county. Teams consist of at least one EFNEP Educator and other partners.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Within the narrative, provide a description of how the team works together to meet the needs of clientele; how they bring their individual skills and strengths together; and how the teamwork allows them to accomplish goals that would be difficult without the team approach. Discuss how the impacts achieved. In addition, please provide the following:
    1. Identification of each team member and their role
    2. Evidence of strong partnerships and cooperation between EFNEP staff and members of the team
    3. Evidence that target audience needs are met
    4. Evidence that EFNEP objectives are accomplished
    5. Verification that team members include, in addition to an EE or EEs, individuals not paid with EFNEP funds
    6. Verification of impacts achieved as a result of team efforts
  3. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet.  The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee(s)’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual(s) is/are deserving of the award.
  4. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  5. Submit one electronic pdf copy of total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


The award consists of a framed certificate for each team member. Up to one award per EFNEP Unit will be presented each year. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Golden Star Award


The Golden Stars of EFNEP are individuals, groups or agencies, both internal and external, who have significantly contributed to the county program. They provide on-going support to help the EFNEP Educator achieve the county program goals.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Within the narrative, provide evidence of the Golden Star nominee(s) support of one or more of the following:
    1. Recruitment to extend outreach to new audience(s) and/or help in reaching target audience to meet EFNEP goals;
    2. Collaboration that results in better combined services to target audience or greater accessibility;
    3. Program marketing and/or advocacy to target audience, county agencies and key stakeholders;
    4. Program/training support;
    5. Volunteer support; and/or
    6. Monetary/physical resource support
  3. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet. The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual is deserving of the award.
  4. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  5. Submit one electronic pdf copy of total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


The award consists of an engraved golden star. Up to one award per EFNEP Unit is presented per year. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

EFNEP Media Outreach Award


This award is presented to EFNEP Educators who have demonstrated excellence in program promotion through media outreach. Recipients of the award pave the way with their innovative and strategic use of media platforms such as, social media, radio, television, newspaper or other appropriate channels to engage program participants, stakeholders, and partners within their community. The EFNEP Media Outreach Award celebrates the dedication, creativity, and impact of educators who use media outreach effectively to make a positive impact on their community.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Include within the first paragraph of the narrative the start date of employment with EFNEP. Within the narrative, provide evidence of innovation and creativity that results in successful:
    • 1) Program promotion;
    • 2) Media outreach to engage participants
  3. Verification of the following:
    • 1) Verification of proper and effective outreach efforts to reach target audience and promote programs according to evaluation competencies and as indicated by CED and RNEA approval of outreach efforts.
  4. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet. The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee(s)’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual(s) is/are deserving of the award.
  5. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, links to news stories, copies of articles, etc.
  6. Submit one electronic pdf copy of total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


The award consists of an engraved golden hashtag plaque. One award is presented per year. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Outstanding Performance Award


Outstanding performers are EFNEP Educators who are innovative and creative individuals who see beyond the reality to the possibility. They are individuals who propel the program to the highest level. They exceed their workload targets and impact goals and have firmly established collaborative relationships with multiple agencies within their county. Their teaching techniques and ability to make EFNEP fun and inviting often results in a waiting list for their program.

Nomination Procedure

Nominees must have a minimum of three years employment with EFNEP, as of March 31, of the year for nomination.  A previous winner of this award is not eligible for nomination in future years unless their programming efforts have changed significantly.  The change in programming should be discussed in the narrative of the nomination. To nominate an EFNEP Educator:

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Include within the first paragraph of the narrative the start date of employment with EFNEP. Within the narrative, provide a statement of accomplishments which addresses each of the following:
    1. How program serves the needs and interests of the target audience
    2. Methods used in carrying out the program and results
    3. Use of volunteer leadership and/or cooperation with other agencies and organizations
  3. Verification of the following:
    1. Verification by the County Extension Director that the EFNEP Educator has a Performance Rating above average performance.
  4. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet.  The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee(s)’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual(s) is/are deserving of the award.
  5. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  6. Submit one electronic pdf copy of total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


Up to one winner per EFNEP Unit will be selected.  Each winner receives a plaque. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Circle of Excellence Award


Individuals entering the Circle of Excellence are EFNEP Educators who consistently perform above their target workloads and consistently meet their impact goals. They are masters of outreach and meeting the needs of their participants. They are often leaders within their region and exemplify excellence. Circle of Excellence members are individuals who constantly seek self-improvement and look for ways to become more effective and efficient in program delivery and results. They are good program managers and their program is well-known in the county they serve.

Nomination Procedure

There are multiple levels for the Circle of Excellence. Please see requirements below to submit your nomination in the correct category.

Level 1 – Circle of Excellence: Nominees must have a minimum of six years employment as of March 31 of the year for nomination and they must have been a previous Outstanding Award winner. An EFNEP Educator may only receive this award once.

Level 2 – Circle of Excellence Gold Award: Nominees must have a minimum of ten years employment as of March 31 of the year for nomination and they must have been a previous Circle of Excellence winner. An EFNEP Educator may only receive this award once.

Level 3 – Circle of Excellence Diamond Award: Nominees must have a minimum of fifteen years employment as of March 31 of the year for nomination and they must have been a previous Circle of Excellence Gold winner. An EFNEP Educator may only receive this award once.

Level 4 – Circle of Excellence Platinum Award: Nominees must have a minimum of twenty years employment as of March 31 of the year for nomination and they must have been a previous Circle of Excellence Diamond winner. An EFNEP Educator may only receive this award once.

To nominate an EFNEP Educator:

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Include within the first paragraph of the narrative the start date of employment with EFNEP. Within the narrative, provide a statement of accomplishments which addresses each of the following:
    1. Excellence in programming
    2. Program leadership
    3. Personal Development
  3. Verification of the following:
    1. Year of Outstanding EFNEP Educator award, Circle of Excellence award, Circle of Excellence Gold award, or Circle of Excellence Diamond award as required for specific level.
    2. Verification by the County Extension Director that the Extension EFNEP Educator has a Performance Rating above average performance
  4. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet. The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee(s)’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual(s) is/are deserving of the award.
  5. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  6. Submit 1 pdf that includes entire award packet (Cover page, Summary, Narrative, and Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, University Program Associate, via email at by August 15. Incomplete packets will not be considered for award. A confirmation of receipt only will be sent via email to the EFNEP Extension Associate.


Circle of Excellence: Up to three awards will be selected. Each winner receives a certificate mounted on a plaque. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Circle of Excellence Gold: One award will be selected. The winner receives a plaque. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Circle of Excellence Diamond: One award will be selected. The winner receives a plaque. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Circle of Excellence Platinum: One award will be selected. The winner receives a plaque. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

EFNEP Endowment Program Support Award


In 2005, the staff and friends of North Carolina Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) established an Endowment to support the programming to limited resource families across the state and to ultimately expand the program to new audiences. Program support funds are available to EFNEP Educators with at least three years experience who demonstrate innovation in program outreach and delivery. Additionally, these funds would support established annual awards given by the program and a recognition award to EFNEP Educators upon their retirement.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Within the narrative, provide the date of first employment, a statement of need, and a description of how the funds will be used to reach a new audience or to implement creative and innovative strategies in reaching EFNEP target audiences. Briefly describe how you have shown support for the EFNEP Endowment. In addition, include a description of work that demonstrates excellence in one or more of the following areas:
    1. Programming
    2. Program leadership
    3. Personal Development
  3. Verification of the following:
    1. Verification of at least three years employment with EFNEP, as of March 31, of the year for nomination
    2. Verification by the County Extension Director that the EFNEP Educator has a Performance Rating above average performance
  4. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet. The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual is deserving of the award.
  5. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  6. Submit one electronic pdf copy of total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


Awards will be based on funds available each year. The winner will receive a certificate and not less than $200 to be used in support of county programming as described in their nomination. EFNEP Educators are eligible for this award once every three years. The award is presented
annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Lorelei Aldridge Jones Educator Support Award


Lorelei Aldridge Jones served as EFNEP Program Coordinator from 2004 to 2021. She began her career with EFNEP in 1997 as what was then known as a Nutrition Program Supervisor Agent who was responsible for managing EFNEP in the Southeast district. Lorelei rose in the EFNEP ranks in 2004 becoming the program's coordinator for NC State University. Until her retirement, Lorelei was recognized nationally as a leader among EFNEP state coordinators and statewide for her passion for and commitment to EFNEP. Upon her retirement in 2021, the EFNEP Staff created the Lorelei Aldridge Jones Educator Support Award in an effort to honor Lorelei’s commitment to providing hands-on food preparation as part of EFNEP classes. Funds from the Lorelei Aldridge Jones Educator Support Award support EFNEP Educators as they improve their culinary skills and/or enhance food preparation and food equipment accessories.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate, and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Include within the first paragraph of the narrative the start date of employment with EFNEP and the professional development opportunity for which award is sought. Additionally, provide a statement of need, and a description of how the funds will be used to enhance food preparation and/or improve culinary skills.
  3. Verification of the following:
    1. Verification by the County Extension Director that the EFNEP Educator/Associate has a Performance Rating at the acceptable or above average level
    2. Verification of at least two years employment with EFNEP, as of March 31, of the year for nomination
    3. CED and RNEA approval of the selected professional development opportunity and/or food equipment accessories.
  4. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet. The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee(s)’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual(s) is/are deserving of the award.
  5. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  6. Submit one electronic pdf copy of the total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


One Award will be presented per year. The award includes a certificate and $200 to be used for professional development and/or food equipment accessories that will enhance food preparation and/or improve culinary skills. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Susan McCaskill Morgan Professional Development Award


Susan McCaskill Morgan served Cooperative Extension as 4-H Agent, Family and Consumer Science Agent, and served as EFNEP Extension Associate until her retirement. Susan and her sister and two brothers all served as Extension Agents and she and both brothers served as County Extension Directors. The McCaskill children grew up on a farm in Moore County and were very active in 4-H. All four siblings as well as Susan’s two children, Heather and Robert Hilton, are members of the NC 4-H Honor Club. Education was very important in this family. All four earned Bachelors and Masters, and one has a Doctorate. While enrolled in UNC-Greensboro, Susan learned first-hand that it is difficult to study and meet expenses to complete degrees, while working full time and raising a family. During the last 4-1/2 years of full-time employment, Susan recognized the high quality of work and outstanding abilities of the EFNEP Educators with whom she worked. As paraprofessionals, the difference between them and the Agents with whom they worked was that college degree. Upon her retirement in 2010, she and her husband, Thomas W. Morgan, established the Susan McCaskill Morgan EFNEP Professional Development Endowment in an effort to assist and encourage EFNEP paraprofessionals to seek an associate or bachelor’s degree at a college or university. Funds from the Susan McCaskill Morgan Endowment support EFNEP Educators in the Southeast District as they pursue higher education through formal course work. The amount of this scholarship is dependent on the availability of funds, with a minimum award each year of $500.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate, and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Include within the first paragraph of the narrative the start date of employment with EFNEP and the formal course(s) for which the scholarship is sought—or—the name of the college or university in which the EE is enrolled. Within the narrative, provide evidence of sustained excellence in each of the following:
    1. Programming
    2. Program leadership
    3. Personal Development
    4. Name and address of the college or university in which the EE is enrolled or taking a formal course (including degree sought and expected graduation date)
  3. Verification of the following:
    1. Verification of at least 3 years of employment with EFNEP, as of March 31, of the year for nominaton
    2. Verification by the County Extension Director that the EFNEP Educator/Associate has a Performance Rating at the acceptable or above average level
    3. CED and EA verification of formal course enrollment
  4. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet. The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee(s)’s name, county or counties and a brief description of the individual’s long-range educational goal.
  5. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letter of acceptance in a degree program/course enrollment, evidence of success in previous courses (if applicable), news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  6. Submit one electronic pdf copy of the total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


One award, presented per year, includes a certificate and a minimum of $500 toward formal course work toward an associate or bachelor’s degree. This award requires receipts for reimbursement. Receipts must be within the 12 months following the date awarded. The scholarship award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Ngaire van Eck Professional Development Award


Dr. Ngaire van Eck served as EFNEP Coordinator in North Carolina from 1989 until her retirement in 1997. She came to North Carolina after a teaching career abroad, in New Zealand—her native land—and Uganda, East Africa. She then spent 17 years as a state specialist with Cooperative Extension EFNEP in West Virginia. Her focus of interest was maternal and infant health; and during her years at NC State University, she helped establish two special EFNEP projects with the WIC program. These were: nutrition education for pregnant adolescents, using the “Hey, What’s Cookin?” curriculum, and the In-Home Breastfeeding Support Program. Following her retirement, she established an endowment fund in 1999 that she rolled over to the EFNEP Endowment that began in December 2005. This award specifically honors outstanding EFNEP Educators who have a desire to enhance their programming through professional development. Funds are used in support of approved professional development opportunities.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Include within the first paragraph of the narrative the start date of employment with EFNEP and the professional development opportunity for which award is sought. Within the narrative, provide evidence of sustained excellence in each of the following:
    1. Programming
    2. Program leadership
    3. Personal Development
    4. Involvement in the endowment
  3. Verification of the following:
    1. Verification of at least 1 year of employment with EFNEP, as of March 31, of the year for nomination
    2. Verification by the County Extension Director that the EFNEP Educator has a Performance Rating at the acceptable or above average level
    3. CED and EA approval of the selected professional development opportunity
  4. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet.  The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee(s)’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual(s) is/are deserving of the award.
  5. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  6. Submit one electronic pdf copy of total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


One Award will be presented per year. The award includes a plaque and $500 for reimbursement of paid expenses used for professional development that will enhance subject matter knowledge, organizational or management skills, or teaching skills. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

Minnie Miller Brown Award


The Minnie Miller Brown Award is the highest honor given to an EFNEP Educator working in EFNEP. The award is given in memory of Minnie Miller Brown (1922-1995), the state’s first EFNEP Coordinator. She served in that role from 1969, when EFNEP was created, until her retirement in 1981. Professor Brown had a distinguished career as a teacher and program director. She was recognized nationally as a leader among EFNEP state coordinators. She inspired the EFNEP staff with a vision for helping improve conditions for a neglected audience—rural poor families and youth in North Carolina. Mrs. Brown is remembered with affection for her passion for and commitment to EFNEP. On her retirement, a special endowment was established within the North Carolina Agricultural Foundation of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences to provide an annual award for the outstanding EFNEP Educator of the year in adult or youth outreach. The first Minnie Miller Brown Award was presented in 1982.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Include within the first paragraph of the narrative the start date of employment with EFNEP. Within the narrative, provide a statement of accomplishments which addresses each of the following:
    1. Excellence in programming
    2. Program leadership
    3. Personal Development
  3. Verification of the following:
    1. Year of Outstanding EFNEP Educator and Circle of Excellence awards
    2. Verification by the County Extension Director that the EFNEP Educator has a Performance Rating above average performance
  4. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet.  The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee(s)’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual(s) is/are deserving of the award.
  5. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  6. Submit one electronic pdf copy of total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


One Award will be presented per year. EFNEP Educators are eligible to receive the Minnie Miller Brown award once every 10 years. The award includes a permanent nameplate on the Minnie Miller Brown Award plaque housed in the host department on the campus of NC State University, a personal engraved plaque and a cash award of $1,000. The award is presented annually at the NC Cooperative Extension Conference or alternatively, at a separate Awards celebration for EFNEP.

EFNEP Champion Award


EFNEP Champion Awards were established in 2009 as a way to recognize individuals who, although not employed by EFNEP, are a constant driving force in the success of the program, either in their county, their region or the state. These individuals are close partners in promoting the program, accessing resources for the program, advocating the mission of the program to key stakeholders and helping to support program expansion. When established, it was determined that EFNEP Champions would be recognized once every ten years as a part of EFNEP anniversary events.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Complete nomination form. This will serve as a cover page of the awards packet. EFNEP Educator, Regional Nutrition Extension Associate and County Extension Director signatures are required.
  2. Complete narrative. The narrative should be no more than two double-spaced pages (Times New Roman font of 12pt). Within the narrative, provide evidence of the EFNEP Champion nominee(s) sustained support of one or more of the following:
    1. Recruitment to extend outreach to new audience(s) and/or help in reaching target audience to meet EFNEP goals
    2. Collaboration that results in better combined services to target audience or greater accessibility
    3. Program marketing and/or advocacy to target audience, county agencies and key stakeholders
    4. Program/training support
    5. Volunteer support
    6. Monetary/physical resource support
  3. Complete the summary statement for the Awards Booklet. The summary statement is limited to 150 words and should include the nominee’s name, county and a brief description of why the individual is deserving of the award.
  4. Attach three pages of supporting evidence that may include: Letters of support, news articles, teaching tools, photos, promotional flyers, etc.
  5. Submit one electronic pdf copy of total awards packet (Cover sheet, Summary, Nomination Narrative, Supporting Documents) to Grenita Jordan, EFNEP University Program Associate, NCSU at by August 15. A confirmation email will be sent when received.


The award consists of an engraved plaque. Up to one award per EFNEP Region and two awards for the state are presented per EFNEP Anniversary. The award is presented every ten years in celebration of another decade of EFNEP impacts in North Carolina.


Nomination Form

Judging Forms

Past Winners

  • Click here for a PDF listing winners of the awards from previous years.

Press Release

© 2025 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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