Decorate together this season

Nothing says the holidays are coming more than a kitchen filled with the smell of cookies baking in the oven. Some of my earliest memories are of helping my mother make dozens and dozens and dozens of Christmas cookies each year. I can just smell the cinnamon and nutmeg filling the house with that aroma we associate with this time of year. Most of these cookies were only made once a year and were such a treat for us. Mom made kid friendly cookies like Color Cookies filled with M&Ms and Peanut Blossoms topped with that wonderful chocolate kiss. I had to unwrap all those kisses and I think just a few went in my mouth and never made it to the cookie!
Then there were the cookies that were for company like Divinity, Rum Balls and Chocolate Covered Cherries. We were threatened within an inch of our lives if we touched them. These were put out on festive holiday themed plates when company visited bringing their own favorite cookies in a tin to share with us. Oh, how we loved to taste their special treats! I have all of my mother’s recipes and love to relive those childhood memories by going through the stained and faded recipe cards. I will pull out several favorites to make this year but I won’t make the quantity of cookies that she made when we were kids.
As I see the recipes written in her handwriting, I will feel and remember the love that went into each batch of cookies. Here’s hoping you express your love for your children and create some memories by baking up a big batch of cookies together for the holidays.
christmas cookies

For some recipe ideas go to:

© 2025 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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