March 14th is the date of celebration of the seventh annual International School Meals Day (ISMD). ISMD was started in 2013 to raise awareness among people around the world about the importance of healthy eating and good nutrition. The day is celebrated globally using a food stories theme. The stories are used to communicate the culture of peoples and their desires for a healthier future.

In 2017, one North Carolina Elementary school celebrated ISMD using the media application Skype to communicate with a farmer in Malawi, Africa. The students learned about growing maize in Malawi and how the maize was used to make nsima, the staple food of Malawi. The lesson taught the class the importance of healthy eating and the various attitudes toward food in other countries. In 2018, ISMD in Scotland was used to demonstrate the importance of healthy meals. ISMD, as a part of a larger effort was used to collect and publish recipes for healthy eating from young people from several countries. ISMD is an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance in school meals. Without the breakfast and lunch served at many schools in the United States, students might not be able to eat healthy. Meals served at schools around the world are important in providing nutrition and a healthy diet to many students.
-James Wynne
EFNEP Intern