Creative Movement for Cold Weather

Like Olaf from Frozen sang, “Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle,” but that can’t be all we do during the cold-weather months! It’s important to stay active year-round, but some days it’s just not possible to bundle everyone up, load the kids into the car, and drive 20 minutes to a gym … Read More

EFNEP’s Twenty Dollar Thanksgiving Guide

Makes 4 servings We are watching our wallets more than ever this year. However, a leaner budget doesn’t mean that the holiday season should be any less festive. In these trimmed-down recipes, we’ve outlined simple ways to have a memorable meal that hits on all the right traditional notes, without breaking the bank. Herbed Baked … Read More

Have Yourself a Food Safe Holiday

Happy Holidays! Whether you’re the head chef at your holiday gatherings or bringing a casserole to share, food safety is always the most important job in creating a holiday meal. Eating food that’s not cooked or refrigerated correctly could make you and your guests sick. Nobody wants to miss out on the fun because of … Read More

Eat Better Together Month

The “Family Dinner Project” is a nonprofit organization at Harvard University. This is a growing movement of “food, fun, and conversations about things that matter.” There has been a lot of research looking at the relationship between regular family meals and the physical, mental, and emotional benefits that come with them. Family meals have been … Read More

Eat Better, Eat Together

Take the time to set your busy schedule aside and focus on enjoying meals as a family. All too often, meals are consumed as an afterthought with hastily thrown together with ingredients and family members eating at all different times. Some may eat in front of the TV, some at the kitchen counter, and some … Read More

After-School Activity

The first day of school is coming up. With the rush of gathering school supplies, packing lunches, and meeting teachers, it can be easy to lose track of time and forget to include time for children to be active. Start the school year off on the right foot by planning for physical activity! Some children … Read More

Kids Eat Right Month

August is a big month to recognize nutrition for youth health. A healthy diet is important for children and adolescents because it promotes needed growth and development and it prevents health problems later in life. To recognize Kids Eat Right Month, here are some tips for helping your children eat right every day:  Quick Breakfasts … Read More

7-Minute Workout

It can be hard to fit physical activity in your day. Finding ways to be active as a family can make it easier for everyone to fit in physical activity. A short, high-intensity workout that works all parts of the body can be a great way to fit in exercise with your school-aged children. Also, … Read More

Supporting Your Children Playing Sports

Next week (July 16-22) is National Youth Sports Week. Sports help children and adolescents develop character while keeping them fit and active. Children who play sports learn how to work with others as a team, self-motivation, and how to deal with emotions when a game is lost. As a parent or caregiver, you can play … Read More

Fitting in Physical Activity

School-aged children spend much of their day focused on school between waking up early, spending all day at school, and doing homework when they get home. With the demands of school, it can be hard to fit in physical activity, especially when the whole family is tired from a long day. Physical activity can help … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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