The cheapest way to improve your health, drink water!

Lucky for us, in America water is free just about anywhere you go. Drinking water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages will not only help your wallet but could help to improve your health. Although there are currently no set requirements for water consumption, the Food and Nutrition Board recommends that the average women consume 91 ounces daily … Read More

Spring Clean Your Kitchen!

Spring is just around the corner which means it’s time to start planning my spring cleaning activities. Top on my list this year is the kitchen. It’s important to give the kitchen a good food safety check and cleaning, especially refrigerators and freezers where raw meat, poultry and seafood is stored. There are three basic … Read More

Go Nuts!!

Nuts are my favorite snack to munch on in between meal times. They are bite-size nutritional powerhouses, packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. When I choose this vitality-boosting snack, I stick to a handful mix of unsalted nuts to get the best valuable vitamins and minerals in my diet. All nuts have different … Read More

Heart healthy tips to keep your

Thinking about what to do on Valentine’s Day for those who hold a special place in your heart? Take a look at the suggestions found on the American Heart Association’s Website: . The site contains 14 practical and health conscious ideas that have more value and show a deeper love than a box of chocolates … Read More

Eating Together!

How many of you aim to have at least a few meals of the week together as a family? These days schedules of both parents and children leave almost no time for regular dinners together at the table.  Between soccer practices, dance rehearsals, playdates, and other scheduling conflicts, family mealtime can seem like a thing … Read More

Healthy Times Newsletter, December 2015

Our Healthy Times Newsletter this month focuses on  keeping your food safe in the refrigerator. You’ll also find a fun snack recipe that is easy enough for your children to make! And finally, learn tips to be active indoors. Sources: Refrigerator Thermometers: Cold Facts about Food Safety – … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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