It’s Screen-Free Week! What does this mean for you and your family? It’s time to get out of the house and have fun! Try to spend less time in front of the television and more time enjoying each other’s company. Planning fun activities for children can give them something to look forward to and keep them occupied.
Excessive use of electronics can be harmful to a developing child and can lead to health problems later in life, such as obesity, behavioral issues, and irregular sleep patterns. Screen-free week is a great opportunity to teach children the importance of spending time with family, as well as developing healthy habits that will be valuable throughout their life.
Here are some tips that can help you and your family have a successful screen-free week:
• Encourage everyone in the household to commit to going without electronics. This will make it easier for the whole family to get involved in fun activities and spend time together, without the distraction of electronics.
• Make plans so that there is scheduled time to spend with one another. Dedicating a certain amount of time to planned activities can help bond with friends and family. Farm tours and other child-friendly events in the community are a great way to keep the family occupied while learning new things.
• Eat dinner together and talk about what’s been going on throughout the week. It’s a great way to stay involved in each other’s lives and keep one another motivated.
• Involve family and friends in fun activities so that no one is left out from the excitement! Planning a neighborhood cook out is a great way to get to know families in the area.

Summer is right around the corner, which gives us the opportunity to engage in physical activity and enjoy the warmer weather. Farmers markets and local farms are starting to open and crops, such as strawberries, are ready to be harvested. Have some fun with family and friends during screen-free week!
For more information on screen time and screen-free week, check out the following resources: