Check your list twice!

As we approach the holiday season, you might be concerned about how to feed holiday guests and add festive foods to your budget without going overboard.  Before you make your grocery list, check twice to make sure you can pay the bill. Fortunately, many grocers offer festive foods at lower prices during this time of … Read More

The cheapest way to improve your health, drink water!

Lucky for us, in America water is free just about anywhere you go. Drinking water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages will not only help your wallet but could help to improve your health. Although there are currently no set requirements for water consumption, the Food and Nutrition Board recommends that the average women consume 91 ounces daily … Read More

Are canned fruits and vegetables healthy?

My husband, who grew up in rural North Carolina spent many of his summers with his grandfather. He saw acres of farmland with fresh vegetables including cabbages, collards, green beans, okra, field peas, squash, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloupes, Muscadine grapes, peaches, etc. He and his grandfather would get up early in the mornings to … Read More

How to Buy Pasta

Is there anything more satisfying than a bowl of pasta topped with a delicious, tummy-filling sauce? I don’t think so!! Pasta is used in many cuisines around the world and comes in a variety of sizes and shapes from angel hair to ziti. When buying pasta look for ones made from whole grain. Pasta that … Read More

Celebrate the Earth and Stretch Your Food Dollar!

Today is Earth Day and what better way to celebrate than by saving some green by going green with your grocery shopping. These tips adapted from Alice Henneman, Extension Educator at the University of Nebraska will take you beyond recycling the various packages that your food comes in and will help you save money, adding … Read More

Frugal Family Shopping

If not planned properly, grocery shopping can be a challenging task, consuming a lot of time and money. It’s important to be well prepared to get the most for your money while eating healthy. When shopping, try to make a list of everything that is needed for the week, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks. … Read More

Heart Healthy Tips

Thinking about what to do on Valentine’s Day for those who hold a special place in your heart? Take a look at the suggestions from the American Heart Association below. They share some practical and health conscious ideas that have more value and show a deeper love than a box of chocolates or a dozen … Read More

Freezing fruits and vegetables for "plan-overs"

Let me tell you, I recently stumbled upon a few great resources for freezing fruits and vegetables. Planning my meals has been a top priority, but with the abundance of local North Carolina produce here in the summer, it has become increasingly important to me to make the most out of my purchases. Before I … Read More

How to beat the rising cost of meat

I love a good deal whether it’s on clothes or groceries! And I hate paying full price for anything if I can help it. The cost of meat along with everything else continues to rise and has become one of the largest budget items in our family’s grocery budget. Most of us like eating meat … Read More

Planning ahead

Planning your meals ahead of time will actually save you time and money in the long-run, and help you stay on track with healthier food options. Here are some ways to plan ahead: Plan as a family. Have family members suggest different healthy meals they want for the week. Buy meat in bulk, then season, … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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