Fuel Your Way Back To School

The food we eat helps supply our brains with the energy they need to function well. During the school year, children spend roughly 35 hours per week in school where they are focusing, learning, communicating, and thinking. All of these tasks require children’s minds to be alert, and a balanced diet to supply them with … Read More

Try a pita pocket sandwich

Sandwiches are a common staple food on a lunchbox menu for children, but I’ve noticed sandwiches have gotten a reputation as being boring or bland because children get tired of eating the same old sandwich for lunch every day. Sure, spreading some peanut butter and jelly on bread or just slapping on a few cold … Read More

Who wants watermelon?

When I was growing up, watermelons were a favorite summer time fruit in our household. On a hot day, the taste of a cool slice of watermelon (with a pinch of salt) was not only refreshing, but also helped us stay hydrated. My mom, who is a lover of watermelons herself, very rarely purchased the … Read More

Help Your Child Enjoy the Benefits of Physical Activity

We know being physically active provides numerous benefits. To name just a few, it helps us maintain a healthy weight, build stronger bones, sleep better at night, and keep a positive mental attitude. Research has shown that an active child will become an active adult. As parents or caretakers, it’s our responsibility to make sure … Read More

Dunk 'em, Dip 'em, Enjoy those veggies

Did you know that eating vegetables with dip could help your kids eat more vegetables? A recent study from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that kids ate 80% more broccoli when it was served with ranch dressing as a dip. Other healthy dips you can try with your child include salsa, yogurt, hummus or … Read More

MyPlate: Teaching Kids of All Ages to Use this Resource

The website, www.choosemyplate.gov is filled with information to support a healthy diet and lifestyle. Did you know the website has a section specifically for kids called MyPlate Kid’s Place? It is loaded with kid-friendly information and activities that are fun and engaging. Take some time with your children and visit http://www.choosemyplate.gov/kids/index.html to learn more. There … Read More

Kid-Friendly Individual Pizza

Ingredients 1 whole wheat pita round 1 ½ tablespoon low-sodium tomato sauce ¼ teaspoon Italian seasoning ¼ cup low-fat shredded cheese, divided variety of veggie, fruit and/or meat toppings Directions Place the whole wheat pita on a cookie sheet. Spread tomato sauce evenly over pita. Sprinkle seasoning over sauce. Top with ½ of the cheese. … Read More

Ideas for grocery shopping with your kids

Taking your kids grocery shopping can be a great learning experience for them and get them excited about trying new foods. But it can also be a headache! Here are some tips on how to get your kids involved while decreasing stressful situations: If you can, plan to go to the store with your child … Read More

Reduce Screen Time

There are a lot of great ways to help get your kids reduce their time in front of the television, computer or video games. Here are a few tips: Talk to your family. Explain to your kids that it’s important to sit less and move more in order to be healthy. Tell them how they … Read More

Mini Pizzas

For a fun after school snack, top half of a whole wheat English muffin with salsa or tomato sauce, and low fat cheese. Microwave on high until cheese is melted. Try also adding other toppings:green bell pepperfresh tomatoonionsmushroomsleft over cooked chicken or ground beef1 pepperoni cut into quarters … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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