Heart Healthy Tips

Thinking about what to do on Valentine’s Day for those who hold a special place in your heart? Take a look at the suggestions from the American Heart Association below. They share some practical and health conscious ideas that have more value and show a deeper love than a box of chocolates or a dozen … Read More

Turkey dinner, turkey leftovers: now what?

My family loves turkey leftovers as much as they love the freshly baked turkey. I look forward to preparing different dishes with the leftovers. My husband’s job is to pull the meat off the bone, put it in plastic bags, and refrigerate it. Once this is done, we sit down and ask our family what … Read More

Get moving: continued motivation

Exercise or physical activity is a hard blog for me to write about because I yo-yo with exercise. Some of you know what I am talking about. For years, I exercised every day to the point of being a compulsive exerciser. I had a good solid exercise routine that really worked for me, and I … Read More

Healthy Times Newsletter, December 2015

Our Healthy Times Newsletter this month focuses on  keeping your food safe in the refrigerator. You’ll also find a fun snack recipe that is easy enough for your children to make! And finally, learn tips to be active indoors. Sources: Refrigerator Thermometers: Cold Facts about Food Safety – http://www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm253954.htm http://www.fightbac.org/ … Read More

Oats all around

Oatmeal isn’t just for breakfast. Around my house, we eat oatmeal as a healthy snack too. For extra calcium, I replace the water with low-fat milk and add fruits, fresh, frozen, or canned to increase the vitamin and antioxidant content. For a change in flavor, I add cinnamon, raisins, or artificially sweetened brown sugar. You … Read More

Pumpkin Season

Fall is one of our favorite seasons. The air is cooler, the days feel shorter, and there’s pumpkin everywhere! Pumpkins are loaded with Vitamin A, fiber, and low in calories. Whether fresh or canned pumpkin puree, it’s versatility makes it a great addition to any recipe. Below is one of our favorite recipes from our … Read More

Pizza? Spaghetti? Why not both?

I love recipes. No, I mean I REALLY LOVE recipes. I can often be found at night searching the internet, magazines, and my cookbooks for recipes to inspire me in my meal planning. While searching for recipes, I came across the “What’s Cooking? USDA Mixing Bowl” site that features several on-line cookbooks such as The White … Read More

Break the fast: Make it quick and with "appeel"

Growing up, I was not a big fan of breakfast. I would skip breakfast, make all kinds of excuses as to why I couldn’t eat breakfast, or grab something like a candy bar. I still am not a big fan of traditional breakfasts, but I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day … Read More

Try a pita pocket sandwich

Sandwiches are a common staple food on a lunchbox menu for children, but I’ve noticed sandwiches have gotten a reputation as being boring or bland because children get tired of eating the same old sandwich for lunch every day. Sure, spreading some peanut butter and jelly on bread or just slapping on a few cold … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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