Helping Your Kids Be Physically Active

As parents, we want the best for our kids – especially the best for their health. Giving your kids the tools, skills, and habits they need to stay healthy is one of the best ways we can prepare our kids for a healthy life. Creating a love for activity is a great way to do … Read More

New Year, New Goals – Move More!

New Year, New Goals – Move More! Did you know that the top four New Year’s Resolutions in 2018 were to eat healthier, exercise more, save more money, and take better care of yourself? We often end our holidays and start our new year with great intentions, but fizzle out before the last decorations have … Read More

7-Minute Workout

It can be hard to fit physical activity in your day. Finding ways to be active as a family can make it easier for everyone to fit in physical activity. A short, high-intensity workout that works all parts of the body can be a great way to fit in exercise with your school-aged children. Also, … Read More

Exercise as a Family

With the month of June finally here, summer is beginning and Father’s Day is coming soon. Whether you’re enjoying the summer sun or celebrating a holiday like Father’s Day,  there are many ways you can Move More together this summer! Fitting physical activity into your day can be hard, but trying activities and exercises that … Read More

Strength Training for Children

Strength training is a vital type of physical activity that helps our muscles and bones grow stronger. Bone mass builds tremendously during childhood, and strength training is a great way to ensure children’s bones grow strong. Once children are old enough to play organized sports (usually around 7-8 years old), they can start participating in … Read More

Make a List

Lists can help keep your schedule more organized as you balance family, work, and everything in between. While grocery lists and meal plans can guide healthy and budget-friendly meals for your week, a list of your family’s favorite activities can motivate your family to get moving.   Get your family together and make a list … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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