Tips and Recipes

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Get moving: continued motivation

person standing with sneakers on
Exercise or physical activity is a hard blog for me to write about because I yo-yo with exercise. Some of you know what I am talking about. For years, I exercised every day to the point of being a compulsive exerciser. I had a good solid exercise routine that really worked for me, and I faithfully stuck with it. I even managed to pull my husband into my exercise routine. We walked 2 miles every day together. Then, for whatever life reason happened, we stopped.

My daughter and I joined a yoga class together, and I loved every minute of our yoga sessions. We had a dynamite instructor and great classmates. I am not sure why I quit doing yoga, but when that class was over, I did not sign up for another class, and my doing yoga was over. The reasons I quit exercising are not important, nor do I think they really matter.
Here is the thing. I am motivated once again to exercise and have been in a good exercise routine for the last month and I want this motivation to continue. I am worried with the holidays approaching that I will get side tracked and stop exercising. Please encourage me to continue to exercise and give me some advice on staying motivated to continue exercising especially during the holiday season. I want to make sure that some type of physical activity remains a constant in my life. Help me out!

Healthy Times Newsletter, December 2015

Our Healthy Times Newsletter this month focuses on  keeping your food safe in the refrigerator. You’ll also find a fun snack recipe that is easy enough for your children to make! And finally, learn tips to be active indoors.

healthy times newsletter


Refrigerator Thermometers: Cold Facts about Food Safety –

Decorate together this season

Nothing says the holidays are coming more than a kitchen filled with the smell of cookies baking in the oven. Some of my earliest memories are of helping my mother make dozens and dozens and dozens of Christmas cookies each year. I can just smell the cinnamon and nutmeg filling the house with that aroma we associate with this time of year. Most of these cookies were only made once a year and were such a treat for us. Mom made kid friendly cookies like Color Cookies filled with M&Ms and Peanut Blossoms topped with that wonderful chocolate kiss. I had to unwrap all those kisses and I think just a few went in my mouth and never made it to the cookie!
Then there were the cookies that were for company like Divinity, Rum Balls and Chocolate Covered Cherries. We were threatened within an inch of our lives if we touched them. These were put out on festive holiday themed plates when company visited bringing their own favorite cookies in a tin to share with us. Oh, how we loved to taste their special treats! I have all of my mother’s recipes and love to relive those childhood memories by going through the stained and faded recipe cards. I will pull out several favorites to make this year but I won’t make the quantity of cookies that she made when we were kids.
As I see the recipes written in her handwriting, I will feel and remember the love that went into each batch of cookies. Here’s hoping you express your love for your children and create some memories by baking up a big batch of cookies together for the holidays.
christmas cookies

For some recipe ideas go to:

Hungry or Full?

The Thanksgiving meal is one of the most anticipated meals of the year. The smell of turkey roasting in the oven, sweet potato or pumpkin pie, green bean casserole and all your favorites fill the air.
carved turkey
Many of us prefer to save our appetites for the “main meal.” However, waiting too long to eat may lead to overeating. If you eat when you’re starving, you may not realize when you’re full.
Listen to your body especially while you eat…does the food still taste good? Do you want more? Are you still hungry? If not, then stop eating.
Our friends at Eat Smart, Move More NC suggest using the scale below to know your hunger and fullness cues.
At 0, you are starving. You’ve gone too long without eating (6-8 hours) and are possibly irritable and grumpy. You might be feeling nauseous or dizzy, or you may have a headache.
At 1, you are ravenous. All you can think about is how hungry you are. You can only think about what you want to eat. When you do eat it is likely that you will overeat.
At 2, you are too hungry. You are probably irritable. You may have a headache. Your stomach might be aching by now. It has probably been 4 or more hours since you last ate.
At 3, you are having hunger pangs. It’s time to eat. Your body is giving you the natural signals that it needs food. This is a good number to start eating–wait any longer and you will be too hungry. It has probably been about 2-3 hours since you last ate.
At 4, your hunger is just starting to awaken. There is a sense of emptiness in your stomach. This can also be good time to eat. You may have eaten about 2 hours ago.
At 5, you are neutral. You aren’t hungry or full-this sensation exists between mealtimes. If you feel this and want to eat, it is not due to hunger-you may want to eat out of boredom or stress.
At 6, you are just satisfied. You aren’t hungry anymore, but probably will be in about 2 hours. There is definitely more room for food, and you still feel light and energized. This is a good place to finish a meal or snack.
At 7, you are ‘just right’. You have had your fill of the food you wanted. You are no longer hungry and you probably won’t need to eat again for approximately 3 hours. This is also a good place to finish a meal or snack.
At 8, you had a few bites too many. You ate a few more bites because it was there or tasted good. You might feel a bit bloated like you need to undo the top button of your pants. You may not be hungry for another 4-5 hours.
At 9, you are stuffed. You have gone overboard. Your meal has gone past the point of pleasure and you now feel uncomfortable. You may feel a bit numb or sleepy. You will not be hungry for approximately 6 hours.
At 10, you feel sick. You feel uncomfortable to the point of pain. You may need to lie down until you feel better. You can expect to be hungry again in another 7-8 hours.

If you use these tips, you can maintain your calorie budget even during the holidays.

Reduce Holiday Stress

Do you feel stressed thinking about the holidays? Sometimes it’s hard not to feel stressed especially when there’s the house to decorate, gifts to buy and wrap, meals to plan and prepare, and on and on and on! Is it possible to reduce holiday stress? The answer is yes!
This year, to eliminate the stress and truly enjoy the holidays, follow the tips below. (Make it a family affair and you just might find the true meaning of the season!) The key is planning ahead.

wrapping paper
1. Begin by creating a simple budget. Using cash only is the best way to stay within your means. Start setting aside cash well in advance. Stash a little at a time until a self-determined date. Vow to work with whatever amount is collected. When it comes time to buy food and gifts, divide what you’ve saved appropriately. Remember, food doesn’t have to be expensive to be healthy and flavorful; and gifts don’t have to be big-ticket items to be treasured. Stop the temptation to supplement your spending with credit cards by remembering the bills that will come in January. And, don’t dip into your emergency fund! You’ll pay to replace that later as well. When you use cash, your spending is over with the holidays. That’s the greatest stress relief of all!

2. To help ration your cash, make a list of all the people to whom you want to give a gift. Then, divide the list into three groups – Paid, Made and None. Knowing how much cash you’ve collected will tell you how extensive your Paid list can be and how much you can spend on each gift. Taking a good look at the time you have available will help you determine how long your Made list can be. To get inexpensive, homemade gift ideas, check the Internet. It’s loaded with creative suggestions! Lastly, those people on your None list might simply get a card into which a heartfelt note is written. What could be a more personal gift and, at the same time, better convey the true meaning of the season?

3. Start thinking about food preparation well in advance of the holidays. Ask your family to help you plan the holiday meals and decide on the baked goods they want to enjoy. If you know in advance, many of the items needed to create their favorite foods can be purchased on sale and stored safely until used. Knowing in advance also gives you an opportunity to prepare dishes and goodies that can be frozen and pulled out as needed during the season. Planning your menus ahead of the holiday crunch will not only stretch your cash budget, but your time as well. It will free you to truly enjoy the season.

When you plan ahead and work from a budget, you have the time to focus on holiday fun and truly enjoy the season. The decisions are made. All you have to do is execute them… and that’s as as easy as downing a piece of Red Velvet cake! Happy holidays!

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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