8 Ways to Play Tag

Tag is a great game that gets kids running and their hearts pumping, but it can get boring quickly. Here are eight ways to make the classic game of tag more fun for kids and keep them playing for hours! Classic Tag: In its basic form, the game of tag has one person who is … Read More

Four Types of Exercise for a Well-Rounded Routine

There are four main types of exercise we should be doing regularly: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility.  Each of these four types of exercise are important in keeping us healthy and fit throughout our lives.  Endurance exercises, also called aerobic or cardio exercises, strengthen your lungs, heart, and circulation. This type of exercise includes anything … Read More

Stretching for a Safer Workout

Stretching before and after your workout is important in helping to prevent injuries and keep you flexible, but the type of stretching you do before and after working out should be different! Before your workout, you want to do dynamic stretches. These are stretches that involve movement and help warm up your muscles for more … Read More

Creative Movement for Cold Weather

Like Olaf from Frozen sang, “Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle,” but that can’t be all we do during the cold-weather months! It’s important to stay active year-round, but some days it’s just not possible to bundle everyone up, load the kids into the car, and drive 20 minutes to a gym … Read More

Helping Your Kids Be Physically Active

As parents, we want the best for our kids – especially the best for their health. Giving your kids the tools, skills, and habits they need to stay healthy is one of the best ways we can prepare our kids for a healthy life. Creating a love for activity is a great way to do … Read More

New Year, New Goals – Move More!

New Year, New Goals – Move More! Did you know that the top four New Year’s Resolutions in 2018 were to eat healthier, exercise more, save more money, and take better care of yourself? We often end our holidays and start our new year with great intentions, but fizzle out before the last decorations have … Read More

Great Outdoors Month

June is Great Outdoors Month! The outdoors provides endless opportunities for physical activity, such as biking and hiking. Outdoor play for children promotes fitness, can raise vitamin D levels, and can help reduce stress.¹ Here are some ways your children can participate in Great Outdoors Month! Bike riding: Whether you bike through your neighborhood, on … Read More

Exercise as a Family

With the month of June finally here, summer is beginning and Father’s Day is coming soon. Whether you’re enjoying the summer sun or celebrating a holiday like Father’s Day,  there are many ways you can Move More together this summer! Fitting physical activity into your day can be hard, but trying activities and exercises that … Read More

Strength Training for Children

Strength training is a vital type of physical activity that helps our muscles and bones grow stronger. Bone mass builds tremendously during childhood, and strength training is a great way to ensure children’s bones grow strong. Once children are old enough to play organized sports (usually around 7-8 years old), they can start participating in … Read More

National Walking Day

Did you know the first Wednesday of April is National Walking Day? This year, National Walking Day is on April 4. With spring upon us and the weather warming up, this is the perfect time to get back outside and walk! Walking is a great activity for children because they can do it with friends … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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