Reduce Holiday Stress

Do you feel stressed thinking about the holidays? Sometimes it’s hard not to feel stressed especially when there’s the house to decorate, gifts to buy and wrap, meals to plan and prepare, and on and on and on! Is it possible to reduce holiday stress? The answer is yes! This year, to eliminate the stress … Read More

Oats all around

Oatmeal isn’t just for breakfast. Around my house, we eat oatmeal as a healthy snack too. For extra calcium, I replace the water with low-fat milk and add fruits, fresh, frozen, or canned to increase the vitamin and antioxidant content. For a change in flavor, I add cinnamon, raisins, or artificially sweetened brown sugar. You … Read More

Family dinners: a time for connecting and reflecting

Eating dinner together as a family can establish traditions and memories that will last a lifetime.   Since I am at work all day, eating dinner together with my family has always been extremely important to me. My family might only be sitting at the kitchen table for 20 minutes together, but those 20 minutes are … Read More

Pumpkin Season

Fall is one of our favorite seasons. The air is cooler, the days feel shorter, and there’s pumpkin everywhere! Pumpkins are loaded with Vitamin A, fiber, and low in calories. Whether fresh or canned pumpkin puree, it’s versatility makes it a great addition to any recipe. Below is one of our favorite recipes from our … Read More

Coffee and Health

Did you know, a plain cup of brewed coffee has only 2 calories and no fat. However, if you like to add flavored creams, sugars, etc., the calories quickly add up. See how many calories just 1 tablespoon of these extras can add to your coffee: • Heavy whipping cream: 52 calories • Table sugar: … Read More

Better Breakfast Day

September 26th is Better Breakfast Day! What’s that all about? The answer to that question can be found in the results of research conducted on the benefits of eating breakfast. Studies based on the behaviors of all Americans – children, adolescents and adults – have shown these benefits can be categorized into three general areas: … Read More

Pregnancy and Food Safety

As parents we all want the very best for our children. I remember when I learned that I was pregnant. I listened to all the advice from my doctor, my mother, my friends, and people who just randomly offered it. And, sometimes there would even be a segment on the news or a talk show … Read More

Tips to Move More After School

When I came home from school as a kid, I couldn’t wait to watch television before diving into that night’s homework. For me, sitting down, putting my feet up, and watching my favorite show was my favorite way to wind down from a long day at school. But that got boring after I was about … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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