How to choose a healthy breakfast cereal

Walking down the cereal aisle can be overwhelming with all the options available and different cereals claiming to be healthy. Here are some tips for finding the best cereals for your family: SUGAR Look at the Nutrition Facts panel on the side of the cereal box (ignore any health claims made on the front of … Read More

Ideas for grocery shopping with your kids

Taking your kids grocery shopping can be a great learning experience for them and get them excited about trying new foods. But it can also be a headache! Here are some tips on how to get your kids involved while decreasing stressful situations: If you can, plan to go to the store with your child … Read More

How to Serve Berries

Here are a few ideas on how to serve berries: Put some in a plastic container to eat as a snack or lunch on-the-go Add to a bowl of whole grain cereal Make a yogurt parfait with berries, yogurt and granola Sprinkle on salads Make fruit kabobs along with other fruits such as pineapple chunks … Read More

Easy On-the-Go Breakfast Ideas

We keep hearing that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but many people still have trouble finding time in their busy mornings to eat a nutritious breakfast. Here are some quick grab and go ideas: Whole fruit, like bananas, apples and oranges. (For an even faster option, keep peeled oranges in the … Read More

Planning ahead

Planning your meals ahead of time will actually save you time and money in the long-run, and help you stay on track with healthier food options. Here are some ways to plan ahead: Plan as a family. Have family members suggest different healthy meals they want for the week. Buy meat in bulk, then season, … Read More

Reduce Screen Time

There are a lot of great ways to help get your kids reduce their time in front of the television, computer or video games. Here are a few tips: Talk to your family. Explain to your kids that it’s important to sit less and move more in order to be healthy. Tell them how they … Read More

Easy salads

Keep chopped vegetables like carrots, cucumber, broccoli, and peppers in the fridge to top a quick and easy salad. If you pack a salad for lunch the night before or in the morning, layer it in a jar or plastic container with the salad dressing on the bottom with toppings like beans, carrots or bell … Read More

Walk with a friend

Finding someone to workout with is a great way to stay motivated. Be active with friends, coworkers, your kids, spouse, or neighbors! Schedule specific days and times in your calendar to walk with a friend. You will be less likely to cancel if you plan ahead, and your friend will help hold you accountable. You … Read More

Save money-Buy in bulk!

Save money by buying extra when non-perishable foods are on sale. Foods that last include rice, beans, cooking oil and frozen vegetables. Remember to check unit prices. Bigger packages are often cheaper per unit. And don’t forget your coupons. If you don’t have room in your pantry (or in your budget!) for a bulk item, … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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