Move While You Clean

Cleaning doesn’t have to just be a chore–it can actually be great exercise! Have you ever noticed yourself getting exhausted as you vacuum your floors? I sure have! Turn cleaning into a fun family affair–cleaning doesn’t have to be all disinfectant and dullness! Play your favorite songs and groove while you move around the house. … Read More

Make Family Time Active Time!

It’s easy after a long day of work, school, and extracurricular activities to just lay on the couch and put on your family’s favorite TV show. Physical activity is an important part of good health, and it’s a great way to connect with your family, especially after spending the day apart. Instead of defaulting to … Read More

Duck, Duck, Goose

Duck, Duck, Goose is similar to tag, but on a smaller scale. It helps children get their heart rate up in the context of a game rather than organized sports. These things make it great physical activity for younger children! You can play at the park, in your yard, or even inside.   Ideally, you’ll … Read More

Make a List

Lists can help keep your schedule more organized as you balance family, work, and everything in between. While grocery lists and meal plans can guide healthy and budget-friendly meals for your week, a list of your family’s favorite activities can motivate your family to get moving.   Get your family together and make a list … Read More

Stress And Diet!

Think of all the things you do in a day.  Perhaps feeling tired, irritable, or nauseous can be stress related.  Too much stress without some relief can cause some serious health issues for you now and later in life.  Heart disease and high blood pressure can be a result of being stressed-out.  In you already … Read More

Whats In Your Pantry?

Do you often feel there’s nothing in the pantry you can use to make a nutritious meal for your family? You might be surprised how easy it is to make a simple but healthy meal from just a few pantry items. Watch our latest video below Enjoy!Emily  … Read More

The cheapest way to improve your health, drink water!

Lucky for us, in America water is free just about anywhere you go. Drinking water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages will not only help your wallet but could help to improve your health. Although there are currently no set requirements for water consumption, the Food and Nutrition Board recommends that the average women consume 91 ounces daily … Read More

Screen Free Week

Screen Free Week is May 4 – 10, 2015. Are you willing to unplug and spend your free time hiking, walking, crafting, or finding a quiet place to sit and enjoy the outdoors? In just the last 10 years or so, technology has made it possible for nearly every member of the family to own … Read More

“You” as the role model for physical activity

What is a role model? Someone you look up to, someone you want to model your life or actions after.  Many of us do not see ourselves as role models, especially in the area of physical activity.  With Hollywood actors and actresses portraying unrealistic images of attractiveness, and extreme sports being in the spotlight, it is … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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