Make Up a Story and Act it Out

Imagination is an important part of childhood development. As children imagine new possibilities, they learn to think outside the box and solve problems in unique ways. This kind of thinking is critical to their cognitive development. While some adults struggle with creative thinking, children usually don’t! Children often have wild and active imaginations, so why … Read More

Protein Power Moves

Physical activity doesn’t always have to be an organized sport. While organized sports are fun for the whole family to play, sometimes the weather may be unfavorable or you may not have enough people for a game. When you don’t have time or convenient access to the equipment needed to play a structured activity, try activities … Read More


Tennis is a fast-paced sport played with either 2 players or 4. One player competes against another in singles tennis. In doubles tennis, four players are split into two teams and the two teams compete. Children who aren’t interested in playing a team sport may enjoy tennis as an alternative. Playing tennis regularly can improve heart … Read More


Hopscotch is a children’s game that has lasted through the generations–and for good reason! No equipment is required and children enjoy making their own hopscotch spaces using sidewalk chalk. It’s also a great game for preschoolers to practice their motor skills by learning to control their movement while hopping on one foot. To play hopscotch, … Read More

Plan a Family Outing

What’s the last activity you and your family did outside of the home? It’s easy to suffer from “cabin fever” after being at home for awhile. When you and your family are feeling restless and need time out of your home, plan an active family outing! Plan family events that involve physical activities (e.g. hiking, … Read More


Basketball is a heart-pumping sport you can play year-round, whether on an indoor or outdoor court. Parks, schools, faith-based communities, and other locations near you may have a basketball court. Call in advance to see if the court has an open-use policy. Children who enjoy competitive play may love to give basketball a try! Younger … Read More

Where Can You and Your Family be Active?

With the New Year upon us, it’s a great time to start thinking about making physical activity a regular part of your family’s life. It can get boring exercising at the same places day after day. Children especially need variety in their play to hold their interest. If you dig deep enough, you may be … Read More

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek is a fun game for all ages. Toddlers can learn object permanence (the concept that objects are still there even if we can’t observe them with our senses), while teens may enjoy Hide and Seek for the challenge of finding the best place to hide. As with any physical activity, safety is … Read More

Musical Chairs

Musical Chairs is an exciting game you can play inside, and running to get to a chair counts towards your children’s 60 minutes of physical activity! You can play with as many people as you’d like, but you’ll need at least 4 people–1 person to control the music and 3 players. Set out chairs in a circle, … Read More

Have a Family Parade

You don’t have to ride a float to have your own parade–it doesn’t even have to be a special occasion! Having your own parade can add fun and a physical boost to your walk. And if it’s raining outside, you can even have your parade inside–just make sure the floor is free of objects and … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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