Buy local, eat local at the farmers' market

Over the years, local Farmer’s Markets have become increasingly popular. They are great sources for purchasing fresh fruits, vegetables and other food items such as homemade jams, etc. Depending on where you live (rural or urban town/city), farmer’s markets vary in size, location, times in which they are open and products sold. Some are very … Read More

Handwashing: More than just clean hands

Those of us interested in simple ways to keep our families healthy already know the role proper hand washing plays in preventing the spread of germs. But hand washing plays another role that’s not often considered when fighting the battle to keep families healthy. In that role, hand washing is instrumental in fighting the rise of antibiotic resistance. What’s … Read More

Celebrate the Earth and Stretch Your Food Dollar!

Today is Earth Day and what better way to celebrate than by saving some green by going green with your grocery shopping. These tips adapted from Alice Henneman, Extension Educator at the University of Nebraska will take you beyond recycling the various packages that your food comes in and will help you save money, adding … Read More

Break the fast: Start the day off smart!

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. My mother always made sure we started our day with foods such as eggs, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes and breakfast meats like bacon and sausage. But, breakfast can be so much more than these traditional foods that can take more time to prepare that we often have in … Read More

Heart Healthy Tips

Thinking about what to do on Valentine’s Day for those who hold a special place in your heart? Take a look at the suggestions from the American Heart Association below. They share some practical and health conscious ideas that have more value and show a deeper love than a box of chocolates or a dozen … Read More

Happy Bean Day!

Today is National Bean Day. Beans (or legumes) are packed with vitamins, minerals, are an excellent source of protein, and low in fat. Additionally, beans are high in fiber. Research has shown that beans may lower blood sugar which helps in the management of type 2 diabetes. It also can lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides. … Read More

Oats all around

Oatmeal isn’t just for breakfast. Around my house, we eat oatmeal as a healthy snack too. For extra calcium, I replace the water with low-fat milk and add fruits, fresh, frozen, or canned to increase the vitamin and antioxidant content. For a change in flavor, I add cinnamon, raisins, or artificially sweetened brown sugar. You … Read More

Family dinners: a time for connecting and reflecting

Eating dinner together as a family can establish traditions and memories that will last a lifetime.   Since I am at work all day, eating dinner together with my family has always been extremely important to me. My family might only be sitting at the kitchen table for 20 minutes together, but those 20 minutes are … Read More

Pumpkin Season

Fall is one of our favorite seasons. The air is cooler, the days feel shorter, and there’s pumpkin everywhere! Pumpkins are loaded with Vitamin A, fiber, and low in calories. Whether fresh or canned pumpkin puree, it’s versatility makes it a great addition to any recipe. Below is one of our favorite recipes from our … Read More

Coffee and Health

Did you know, a plain cup of brewed coffee has only 2 calories and no fat. However, if you like to add flavored creams, sugars, etc., the calories quickly add up. See how many calories just 1 tablespoon of these extras can add to your coffee: • Heavy whipping cream: 52 calories • Table sugar: … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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