Stay Active Indoors

When the weather gets bad, it is hard to stay active inside the house. However, that does not mean that doing physical activity inside is impossible! There are multiple games and ways to get exercise indoors involving the whole family. One effective way of exercising is yoga. Family yoga involves everyone practicing yoga poses together and … Read More

Eating Together!

How many of you aim to have at least a few meals of the week together as a family? These days schedules of both parents and children leave almost no time for regular dinners together at the table.  Between soccer practices, dance rehearsals, playdates, and other scheduling conflicts, family mealtime can seem like a thing … Read More

Hot Chocolate weather is upon us, drink up!

Warm drinks are a must have for me and my family in the cold winter months, but all those empty calories can add up quickly! According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Americans consume 20 teaspoons of added sugars daily. Keep in mind that the American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 … Read More

Stay Active to Avoid Stress

Staying active is sometimes hard to do especially if you work and have children. Our friends at the American Diabetes Association share some ideas about how physical activity is a natural stress reliever. It also helps control blood glucose levels, lower blood pressure, and provides many other health benefits. Don’t let the hustle and bustle … Read More

Keep them playing, keep them safe

I distinctly remember falling off a scooter as a child and scraping my knees on the hot concrete. They took a couple of weeks to heal, but the injury could have been prevented if I had been wearing knee pads. While it may seem like wearing extra equipment or following certain rules takes too much … Read More

Get moving: continued motivation

Exercise or physical activity is a hard blog for me to write about because I yo-yo with exercise. Some of you know what I am talking about. For years, I exercised every day to the point of being a compulsive exerciser. I had a good solid exercise routine that really worked for me, and I … Read More

Help Your Child Enjoy the Benefits of Physical Activity

We know being physically active provides numerous benefits. To name just a few, it helps us maintain a healthy weight, build stronger bones, sleep better at night, and keep a positive mental attitude. Research has shown that an active child will become an active adult. As parents or caretakers, it’s our responsibility to make sure … Read More

Come join me and move more!

Being physically active has long-term results.  What you do right now does have an effect on your future.  Including time in your life for physical activity is not just something to do when you want to lose weight.  There are so many other wonderful benefits.  I found that when I started making time for some … Read More

© 2024 North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

North Carolina State University
Agricultural and Human Sciences Department

Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)

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